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Ideal Glass Gallery presents
Die Ersten Internationalen Elvis-Tage / The First International Elvis Meet
exhibition/performances organized by Willard Morgan & Ulrich Wulff

NY, NY - March 28— 30 2008
gallery hours Sat/Sun 12-4 & by appointment

An international group exhibition and evening of performances will emerge at a new downtown artspace known as Ideal Glass Gallery. Berlin and Rangsdorf-based artists André Butzer, Thomas Winkler, Roberto Ohrt and Ulrich Wulff have developed group shows in Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Puerto Rico, etc. and will now bring some more art to New York City! The intention of these shows is a good time (also friendship, pleasure, life and love, respect and possibility).

In a very special coincidence, a bunch of their beloved ones are simultaneously in New York during late March for visiting, hanging around, or simply attending the opening reception of André Butzer at Metro Pictures Gallery on March 27th (6PM) one day before the opening of Die Ersten Internationalen Elvis-Tage… So they will all be here spending some time singing, looking and talking and kissing and so on!

There will also be live music by Jelvis The Jewish Elvis, Lord Winkler and Dolby Surround.
(Quote: In a post-feminist world the duet is storming back into vogue.) Plus party refreshments, a fashion show and some very special surprise guests!
The exhibit will include artwork by famous people like Julia Abstädt, Bara, André Butzer, Attila Saygel, Kruno Vrbat, Shinji Minegishi, Peter Langer, Maja Körner, Pia Dehne, Fabienne Stephan, Thomas Winkler, Olivia Berckemeyer, Dennis Loesch, Rebecca Riedel, Fabian Schubert, Katrin Vellrath, Karsten Bier, Sven-Ake Johannson, Marcel Hüppauf, Peter Klare, Roberto Ohrt, Hank Schmidt in der Beek, Niklas Schechinger, Daphne Corell, Vera Corell, Raul-Aymar, Mourgue d'Algue, Aaron Ribeiro, Aida Ruilova, Marlous Borm, Ulrich Wulff, Willard Morgan, Liliana Mojica, Henry Vincent, Martin
Archer, Darlene Ken, Jessie Stead and perhaps more…

please visit and for other information.